Keeping accounts restricted to 1 per user - PHP

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-05 22:38:55

The only way to really prevent a person from signing up for multiple accounts would be to ask them for personal information specific to them. I ran into this issue and ended up having to track social security numbers to prevent multiple accounts. Granted, the project I was working on was for a school and the school already had this information. Also, for a new user signing up, it wasn't unusual to them to give this information.

Reading some of the comments, I can say that even if PayPal had a way to track duplicate accounts, it is highly unlikely that you would be granted access to this information, even just to say "yes this is a duplicate" or "no it is not a duplicate".

I really think SSN would be your best bet.

AFAIK iovation uses a set of tracking methods, including Flash cookies and browser fingerprinting to track the users and the devices used. Although budget-wise it might not be your best option, you may consider the techniques themselves.

I'd suggest the business to create incentives for using a single account, which might pay off better than (costly?) fancy tracking software.
