cannot load such file — 2.2/gherkin_lexer_en, how to fix?

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-05 22:25:40
  • I download Ruby 2.0 x86 from
  • Install exe
  • Command in cmd: gem install calabash-android
  • ERROR: Error installing calabash-android: The 'json' native gem requires installed build tools.
  • Download from DevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2-20130224-1151-sfx.exe
  • Extract DevKit to path C:\Ruby200\DevKit
  • Run cd C:\Ruby200\DevKit
  • Run ruby dk.rb init
  • Run ruby dk.rb review
  • Run ruby dk.rb install
  • And again use command gem install calabash-android

I have simply solved by removing Gherkin and reinstalling it by bundle install

gem uninstall gherkin
>> select all
bundle install

This problem looks like this issue. Maybe you can resolve by following comments in it. (y)

sanjaykumar5115 commented, my probelm have been solved after uninstalling gherkin and installing gherkin-2.12.1-x86-mingw32
