Maya to three.js with animation

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-05 21:55:16

THREE.js comes with an exporter for Maya, but it only works for static models. I have created an updated version that also supports exporting rigged and animated models. It doesn't require any intermediate steps: it just outputs straight to a .JS file. We have a pull request to integrate the updated exporter with the THREE trunk, but if you want to get the new and improved exporter immediately you can get it from this repository: The exporter files are in utils/exporters/maya.

Hope this helps.

It is best to export a Collada DAE file from Maya in order to get your data into ThreeJS. You can preview and share your data via (an online 3D editor, modeler, animation) which imports Collada DAEs and uses ThreeJS for display.

You should have read the FAQ as there is plenty of info there. Most probably you need to export to Collada as Wavefront obj's do not support animation.
