C: The Math Behind Negatives and Remainder

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-05 21:33:21

Here you need the mathematical definition on remainder.

Given two integer numbers m, d, we say that r is the remainder of the division of m and d if r satisfies two conditions:

  • There exists another integer k such that m == k * d + r , and
  • 0 <= r < d.

For positive numbers, in C, we have m % d == r and m / d == k, just by following the definition above.

From the definition, it can be obtainded that 3 % 2 == 1 and 3 / 2 == 1.
Other examples:

4 / 3 == 1 and 5 / 3 == 1, in despite of 5.0/3.0 == 1.6666 (which would round to 2.0).

4 % 3 == 1 and 5 % 3 == 2.

You can trust also in the formula r = m - k * d, which in C is written as:

m % d == m - (m / d) * d

However, in the standard C, the integer division follows the rule: round to 0.
Thus, with negative operands C offer different results that the mathematical ones.
We would have:

(-4) / 3 == -1, (-4) % 3 == -1 (in C), but in plain maths: (-4) / 3 = -2, (-4) % 3 = 2.

In plain maths, the remainder is always nonnegative, and less than the abs(d).
In standard C, the remainder always has the sign of the first operand.

 |  m  |  d  |  /  |  %  |
 |  4  |  3  |  1  |  1  |
 | -4  |  3  | -1  | -1  |
 |  4  | -3  | -1  |  1  |
 | -4  | -3  |  1  | -1  |

Remark: This description (in the negative case) is for standard C99/C11 only. You must be carefull with your compiler version, and do some tests.

Like Barmar's linked answer says modulus in a mathematical sense means that numbers are the same class for a ring (my algebra theory is a bit rusty so sorry the terms might be a bit loosely used:)).

So modulus 5 means that you have a ring of size 5. i.e. 0,1,2,3,4 when you add 1 to 4 you are back at zero. so -9,-4,1,6,11,16 are all the same modulo 5 because they are all equivalent. This is actually very important for various algebra theorems but for normal programmers it's pretty much useless.

Basically the standards were unspecified so the modulus returned for negative numbers just has to be one of those equivalent classes of numbers. It's not a remainder. Your best bet in situations like this is to operate on absolute values when doing modulo operators if you want basic integer division. If you are using more advanced techniques (like public key encryption) you'll probably need to brush up on your math a little more.

For now I'd say still with positive ints in this case and have fun programming something interesting.
