MultipartEntity: Content-Length for InputStream

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-05 20:47:52

Instead of using the addBinaryBody method, you can create your own FormBodyPart with a ContentBody. The appropriate ContentBody is InputStreamBody but its getContentLength method returns -1.

I'd suggest you extend the class to provide a custom content length.

class KnownSizeInputStreamBody extends InputStreamBody {   
    private final long contentLength;

    public KnownSizeInputStreamBody(InputStream in, long contentLength, ContentType contentType) {
        super(in, contentType);
        this.contentLength = contentLength;

    public long getContentLength() {
        return contentLength;

You can then create your multipart entity as

FormBodyPart bodyPart = FormBodyPartBuilder.create().setName("file")
        .setBody(new KnownSizeInputStreamBody(inputStream, contentLenth, ContentType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)).build();

HttpEntity entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addPart(bodyPart).build();

as appropriate (your own content type, content length, name, etc.).

In my case, the http client wrote the content-length for the entire multipart request body, not for each part.
