A couple of questions regarding JSR 352, Spring Batch, and Java
1) When would someone use Java to build a batch JSR-352 application over Spring Batch? My initial take is it would require more coding in Java than Spring Batch.
2) Did version 7 of Java EE implement JSR-352? Or did it just come out with the spec and developers have to implement it? Whereas Spring Batch has implemented it, saving developers coding time?
Overall this question is both subjective (subquestion 1) and lacks basic research (subquestion 2). I'll answer subquestion 2 since its not subjective. JSR-352 is part of the EE7 specification, therefor any EE7 compliant application server will have an implementation of it. The same is true for any JSR which is part of an EE spec. For an application server to be EE compliant at a particular spec level it must have implementations of all the relevant specification which pass the relevant TCKs.
Here's an Oracle tech note describing JSR 352 in Glassfish 4 (the first of many EE7 complaint application servers).