Accessing nested relations in Bookshelf.js

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-05 19:56:09

So the solution was to drop back to knex, grab all my comments for that topic with all related data, then build a tree. Here's the query I wound up using. Big thanks to rhys-vdw in the #bookshelf channel on irc.

                knex('comments').leftOuterJoin('votes', function() {
                    this.on('', 'votes.comment_id')
                        .andOn(knex.raw('votes.account_uuid = ?', req.user.uuid));
                .leftOuterJoin('vote_count', function() {
                    this.on('', 'vote_count.comment_id');
                .select('comments.*', 'votes.vote_type', 'vote_count.upvotes', 'vote_count.downvotes')
                .where('comments.topic_id', '=', topic_id)