Equivalent to Perl Modulino for Ruby, Python?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-05 19:42:02

Python has __name__:

class MyClass(object):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("This will only run if you run the script explicitly, not import it")

If you run python myscript.py, the print function will run. If you import MyClass from myscript, the print will not.

This is the Ruby version:

if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME #equivalent: if __FILE__ == $0
  puts "This is the main file running, it is not being required."

Perl 6 has this feature built in. You define a subroutine named MAIN that executes if you use the file as a script:

 sub MAIN { ... }

The signature for MAIN tells Perl 6 how to parse the command-line parameters. You can have multi-subs and Perl 6 will use the one whose signature matches. Here's the example from Synopsis 6:

multi MAIN (Int $i) {...}   # foo 1
multi MAIN (Rat $i) {...}   # foo 1/2
multi MAIN (Num $i) {...}   # foo 1e6
multi MAIN ($i) {...}       # foo bar