C3 Graphs On Load Callback [closed]

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-05 19:39:13

Don't load any data in the initialization. Rather explicitly call the load event and pass the data in. Then you have access to the done callback.

var chart = c3.generate({ /*...*/ });

  columns: [['data1, 100, 200, 150, ...],
  done: function() { /* whatever you need done here... */}

The above didnt work for me, I used 'onrendered'.

onrendered: function () { ... }

See here: https://c3js.org/reference.html#onrendered

Try declaring an id on the graph container (usually the svg) with .attr("id", "GraphContainer"). After that, you can bind an .onload to it. Something like this:

var SVGCont = document.getElementById("GraphContainer");
SVGCont.onload = function() {
    // your code for when it's done loading

You can also use the event for when SVG elements are added to the DOM:

$(document).bind("DOMNodeInserted", function(e) {
    // your code 