Construct a pipes Proxy inside-out

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-05 18:56:53

Actually, I think makeProxy is possible if you slightly change the type. I am on my phone so I cannot type check this just yet, but I believe this works:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Pipes.Core

    ::  Monad m
    =>  (   forall n. Monad n
        =>  (a' -> Server a' a n r)
        ->  (b  -> Client b' b n r)
        ->         Effect      n r
    ->  Proxy a' a b' b m r
makeProxy k = runEffect (k up dn)
    up = lift . request \>\ pull
    dn = push />/ lift . respond

This assumes that k is defined as:

k up dn = up ->> k >>~ dn

Edit: Yeah, it works if you add an import for lift

I'll walk through why this works.

First, let me set out some of the pipes definitions and laws:

-- Definition of `push` and `pull`
(1) pull = request >=> push
(2) push = respond >=> pull

-- Read this as: f * (g + h) = (f * g) + (f * h)
(3) f \>\ (g >=> h) = (f \>\ g) >=> (f \>\ h)

-- Read this as: (g + h) * f = (g * f) + (h * f)
(4) (g >=> h) />/ f = (g />/ f) >=> (h />/ f)

-- Right identity law for the request category
(5) f \>\ request = f

-- Left identity law for the respond category
(6) respond />/ f = f

-- Free theorems (equations you can prove from the types alone!)
(7) f \>\ respond = respond
(8) request />/ f = request

Now let's use those equations to expand out up and dn:

up = (lift . request) \>\ pull
   = (lift . request) \>\ (request >=> push)  -- Equation (1)
   = (lift . request \>\ request) >=> (lift . request \>\ push)  -- Equation (3)
   = lift . request >=> (lift . request \>\ push)                -- Equation (5)
   = lift . request >=> (lift . request \>\ (respond >=> pull))  -- Equation (2)
   = lift . request >=> (lift . request \>\ respond) >=> (lift . request \>\ pull) -- Equation (3)
   = lift . request >=> respond >=> (lift . request \>\ pull)    -- Equation (7)
up = lift . request >=> respond >=> up

-- Same steps, except symmetric
dn = lift . respond >=> request >=> dn

In other words, up converts all requests going out of k's upstream interface into lift . request and dn converts all responds going out of k's downstream interface into lift . respond. In fact, we can prove that:

(9)  (f \>\ pull) ->> p = f \>\ p
(10) p >>~ (push />/ f) = p />/ f

... and if we apply those equations to k, we get:

  (lift . request \>\ pull) ->> k >>~ (push />/ lift . respond)
= lift . request \>\ k />/ lift . respond

This says the same thing except more directly: we're replacing every request in k with lift . request and replacing every respond in k with lift . respond.

Once we lower all requests and responds to the base monad, we end up with this type:

lift . request \>\ k />/ lift . respond :: Effect' (Proxy a' a b' b m) r

Now we can delete the outer Effect using runEffect. This leaves behind the "inside-out" Proxy.

This is also the same trick that Pipes.Lift.distribute uses to swap the order of the Proxy monad with the monad underneath it:

(Sorry, I missed a couple brackets on a sleepy head, so the first answer was to a different question)

Producer' a m r -> Producer' b m r is the definition of a Pipe a b m r - it can consume a and produce b.

belowD ::Monad m => (Producer' a m () -> Producer' b m r) -> Pipe a b m ()
belowD g = sequence_ $ repeat $ do
             x <- await -- wait for `a` as a Pipe
             g $ yield x -- pass a trivial Producer to g, and forward output

This one will expect one or more b for each a. If g needs more than one a to produce one b, it won't produce anything.

But then since Proxy a b c d m is a Monad, we can lift await:

belowD :: Monad m => (forall m . Monad m => Producer a m () -> Producer b m r) ->
                     Pipe a b m r
belowD g = h . g $ sequence_ $ repeat ((lift $ await) >>= yield) where
  h :: Monad m => Producer b (Pipe a b m) r -> Pipe a b m r
  h p = do
      x <- next p
      case x of
        Left r -> return r
        Right (x,p) -> do
                         yield x
                         h p

h :: Monad m => Producer a m () -> Producer a m ()
h :: Monad m => Producer a m () -> Producer a m ()
h p = p >-> (sequence_ $ repeat $ await >>= yield >> await) -- skips even

main = runEffect $ (mapM_ yield [1..10]) >-> (for (belowD h) $ lift . print)

> 1
> 3
> 5
> 7
> 9