wpf datagrid icollectionview sorting BUG?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-05 18:39:14

I just ran into this bug. (Or at least I presume it is a bug).

When debugging, you can see that the SortDescriptions collection gets cleared after assigning the ViewModel to the DataContext.

As a work around, I removed the SortDescriptions from the CTOR of the ViewModel and put them within a public method which I then call after assigning the ViewModel to the DataContext.

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    var model = new ViewModel();
    DataContext = model;  // SortDescriptions collection is cleared here.

It is far from ideal, however this seems to be the only workaround I could find.

Try calling


after adding the SortDescription.

Your TestItem is not implementing the IComparable interface so it is not sure of what to compare your objects by.

MSDN IComparable

Basically you need to add this to your class below.

public class TestItem  : IComparable
    private int _sequence;
    public int Sequence
        get { return _sequence; }

    public TestItem(int sequence)
        _sequence = sequence;

   public int CompareTo(object obj) 
     if (obj == null) 
          return 1;
     // put comparison logic here