SugarORM query from multiple tables?

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-05 18:21:19

SugarORM provides a Query Builder object for simple queries. Since it doesn't provide supporto for joins, you can directly execute a raw query and store the result into an object created ad-hoc.

So, build your custom raw query renaming the fields in the SELECT part

CustomOBJ.executeQuery("SELECT tableA.fieldA as field1, tableA.fieldB as field2, tableB.fieldA as field 3 FROM tableA JOIN tableB WHERE .....");

and then create your custom object

public CustomOBJ {
    private String field1;
    private String field2;  
    private String field3;

   public CustomOBJ(){} //you must declare an empty constructor


Here the documentation:
