I have a long chunk of memory, say, 256 KiB or longer. I want to count the number of 1 bits in this entire chunk, or in other words: Add up the "population count" values for all bytes.
I know that AVX-512 has a VPOPCNTDQ instruction which counts the number of 1 bits in each consecutive 64 bits within a 512-bit vector, and IIANM it should be possible to issue one of these every cycle (if an appropriate SIMD vector register is available) - but I don't have any experience writing SIMD code (I'm more of a GPU guy). Also, I'm not 100% sure about compiler support for AVX-512 targets.
On most CPUs, still, AVX-512 is not (fully) supported; but AVX-2 is widely-available. I've not been able to find an less-than-512-bit vectorized instruction similar to VPOPCNTDQ, so even theoretically I'm not sure how to count bits fast with AVX-2 capable CPUs; maybe something like this exists and I just missed it somehow?
Anyway, I'd appreciate a short C/C++ function - either using some intristics-wrapper library or with inline assembly - for each of the two instruction sets. The signature is
uint64_t count_bits(void* ptr, size_t size);
- Related to How to quickly count bits into separate bins in a series of ints on Sandy Bridge? , but not a dupe.
- We can assume the input is well-aligned, if that matters.
- Forget about multiple cores or sockets, I want code for a single (thread on a single) core.
@HadiBreis' comment links to an article on fast population-count with SSSE3, by Wojciech Muła; the article links to this GitHub repository; and the repository has the following AVX-2 implementation. It's based on a vectorized lookup instruction, and using a 16-value lookup table for the bit counts of nibbles.
# include <immintrin.h>
# include <x86intrin.h>
std::uint64_t popcnt_AVX2_lookup(const uint8_t* data, const size_t n) {
size_t i = 0;
const __m256i lookup = _mm256_setr_epi8(
/* 0 */ 0, /* 1 */ 1, /* 2 */ 1, /* 3 */ 2,
/* 4 */ 1, /* 5 */ 2, /* 6 */ 2, /* 7 */ 3,
/* 8 */ 1, /* 9 */ 2, /* a */ 2, /* b */ 3,
/* c */ 2, /* d */ 3, /* e */ 3, /* f */ 4,
/* 0 */ 0, /* 1 */ 1, /* 2 */ 1, /* 3 */ 2,
/* 4 */ 1, /* 5 */ 2, /* 6 */ 2, /* 7 */ 3,
/* 8 */ 1, /* 9 */ 2, /* a */ 2, /* b */ 3,
/* c */ 2, /* d */ 3, /* e */ 3, /* f */ 4
const __m256i low_mask = _mm256_set1_epi8(0x0f);
__m256i acc = _mm256_setzero_si256();
#define ITER { \
const __m256i vec = _mm256_loadu_si256(reinterpret_cast<const __m256i*>(data + i)); \
const __m256i lo = _mm256_and_si256(vec, low_mask); \
const __m256i hi = _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_srli_epi16(vec, 4), low_mask); \
const __m256i popcnt1 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(lookup, lo); \
const __m256i popcnt2 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(lookup, hi); \
local = _mm256_add_epi8(local, popcnt1); \
local = _mm256_add_epi8(local, popcnt2); \
i += 32; \
while (i + 8*32 <= n) {
__m256i local = _mm256_setzero_si256();
acc = _mm256_add_epi64(acc, _mm256_sad_epu8(local, _mm256_setzero_si256()));
__m256i local = _mm256_setzero_si256();
while (i + 32 <= n) {
acc = _mm256_add_epi64(acc, _mm256_sad_epu8(local, _mm256_setzero_si256()));
#undef ITER
uint64_t result = 0;
result += static_cast<uint64_t>(_mm256_extract_epi64(acc, 0));
result += static_cast<uint64_t>(_mm256_extract_epi64(acc, 1));
result += static_cast<uint64_t>(_mm256_extract_epi64(acc, 2));
result += static_cast<uint64_t>(_mm256_extract_epi64(acc, 3));
for (/**/; i < n; i++) {
result += lookup8bit[data[i]];
return result;
The same repository also has a VPOPCNT-based AVX-512 implementation:
# include <immintrin.h>
# include <x86intrin.h>
uint64_t avx512_vpopcnt(const uint8_t* data, const size_t size) {
const size_t chunks = size / 64;
uint8_t* ptr = const_cast<uint8_t*>(data);
const uint8_t* end = ptr + size;
// count using AVX512 registers
__m512i accumulator = _mm512_setzero_si512();
for (size_t i=0; i < chunks; i++, ptr += 64) {
// Note: a short chain of dependencies, likely unrolling will be needed.
const __m512i v = _mm512_loadu_si512((const __m512i*)ptr);
const __m512i p = _mm512_popcnt_epi64(v);
accumulator = _mm512_add_epi64(accumulator, p);
// horizontal sum of a register
uint64_t tmp[8] __attribute__((aligned(64)));
_mm512_store_si512((__m512i*)tmp, accumulator);
uint64_t total = 0;
for (size_t i=0; i < 8; i++) {
total += tmp[i];
// popcount the tail
while (ptr + 8 < end) {
total += _mm_popcnt_u64(*reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(ptr));
ptr += 8;
while (ptr < end) {
total += lookup8bit[*ptr++];
return total;
The lookup8bit
is a popcnt lookup table for bytes rather than bits, and is defined here. edit: As commenters note, using an 8-bit lookup table at the end is not a very good idea and can be improved on.
Wojciech Muła's big-array popcnt functions look optimal except for the scalar cleanup loops. (See @einpoklum's answer for details on the main loops).
A 256-entry LUT you use only a couple times at the end is likely to cache-miss, and isn't optimal for more than 1 byte even if cache was hot. I believe all AVX2 CPUs have hardware popcnt
, and we can easily isolate the last up-to-8 bytes that haven't been counted yet to set us up for a single popcnt
As usual with SIMD algorithms, it often works well to do a full-width load that ends at the last byte of the buffer. But unlike with a vector register, variable-count shifts of the full integer register are cheap (especially with BMI2). Popcnt doesn't care where the bits are, so we can just use a shift instead of needing to construct an AND mask or whatever.
// untested
// ptr points at the first byte that hasn't been counted yet
uint64_t final_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(end)[-1] >> (8*(end-ptr));
total += _mm_popcnt_u64( final_bytes );
// Careful, this could read outside a small buffer.
Or even better, use more sophisticated logic to avoid page-crossing. This can avoid page-crossing for a 6-byte buffer at the start of a page, for example.