Front controller pattern - is router a front controller?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2019-12-05 17:12:11

provides a centralized entry point for handling requests.

Yes, Slim can be some kind of a front-controller. It handles all incoming requests and brings them to the right place/controller.

Do not confound the front-controller with the controller of a MVC pattern.

In your example the route is part of the front-controller and should call the controller of your MVC pattern. This MVC-controller (in your exmaple $bookController) is responsible for evaluating information, submitinig information to the view and display the view. So your example should look like the following:

//Inside of your frontcontroller, defining the route:
$app->get("/books/:id", "bookController:displayBook");

//Inside of your MVC bookController class:
public function displayBook($id)
    $book = Book::find($id);
    $app->view->set("book", $book);