My tests were running without problems, when suddenly the following warning appeared:
MiniTest::Unit::TestCase is now Minitest::Test
This was reported in the following libs:
ruby-1.9.3-p392/lib/ruby/1.9.1/test/unit/testcase.rb:8:in `<module:Unit>'
gems/activesupport-3.2.12/lib/active_support/test_case.rb:12:in `<module:ActiveSupport>'
gems/activesupport-3.2.12/lib/active_support/descendants_tracker.rb:34:in `inherited'
I have no idea what prompted these warnings to appear. Does anybody know what I can do to eliminate the warnings?
The test still appear to run fine, even with the warnings.
My Rails environmentis 3.2.12, running on OSX 10.8.4.
You must have upgraded to minitest 5.0. MiniTest::Unit::TestCase was renamed to Minitest::Test. Here are the release notes.
Another possibility: you're using a newer version of ruby. I was getting this warning/error running on ruby 2.1.2 (even with minitest 4.7.5); downgrading to ruby 2.0.0 resolved it
You can use the new gem version of test-unit and minitest together. Example:
gem "test-unit", "~> 3.0"
gem "minitest", "~> 5.5"