Microsoft Speech Recognition: Alternate results with confidence score?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-05 14:45:38

I believe this is another place where SAPI lets you ask for things that the SR engine doesn't really support.

Both Microsoft.Speech.Recognition and System.Speech.Recognition use the underlying SAPI interfaces to do their work; the only difference is which SR engine gets used. (Microsoft.Speech.Recognition uses the Server engine; System.Speech.Recognition uses the Desktop engine.)

Alternates are primarily designed for dictation, not context-free grammars. You can always get one alternate for a CFG, but the alternate generation code looks like it won't expand the alternates for CFGs.

Unfortunately, the Microsoft.Speech.Recognition engine doesn't support dictation. (It does, however, work with much lower quality audio, and it doesn't need training.)
