KnexJS Migration With Associated Seed Data

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-05 14:08:56

Knex.js's seed functionality does not provide any order of execution guarantees. Each seed should be written such that it can be executed in isolation - ie. your single file approach is correct.

If you want to break your individual seed files into submodules, then you might try the following:

// initial-data.js
var operatingSystems = require('./initial-data/operating-systems.js');
var servers = require('./initial-data/servers.js');
exports.seed = function(knex, Promise) {
  return operatingSystems.seed(knex, Promise)
  .then(function () {
    return servers.seed(knex, Promise);
  }).then(function() {
    // next ordered migration...

I use the sql-fixtures module to handle FK relation dependencies in my seed file(s).

Imaginary implementation:

const dataSpec = {
  applications_servers: [{
    name: 'My ASP.Net thingie',
    application_id: 'applications:0',
    server_id: 'servers:0'

  servers: [{
    name: 'My Windows server',
    operating_system_id: 'operating_systems:0'

  operating_systems: [{
    name: 'Windows Server 2k10'

  applications: [{
    name: 'My fab web guestbook',
    description: '...'

but it might be superfluous if you declare your dependencies by means of the ORM.

Sometimes however, it is desirable to avoid coupling the DB seeds to your exact current Model implementation.
