ASP.NET Core Identity 3 Cookie timeout

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-05 12:33:47

I found the problem

The problem lies with the SecurityStamp mechanism. By default, every 30 minutes, the security stamp is validated. This mostly due to the fact that sign in everywhere is an option. The security stamp is updated usually in identity when the user changes password for instance. This will make all the locations where the user has signed on (except the one where he changed his password) sign out after 30mins because the stamp (usually a guid) has changed.

To implement this functionality, Implement the ISecurityStampStore<T> interface in your UserStore and implement the GetSecurityStampAsync(User user, CancellationToken cancellationToken) method

For more info you can check the security stamp validator code and the reason why it signs you out after 30mins

Note: The options.SecurityStampValidationInterval can be set to increase the time check, but it doesn't resolve the problem. After X time, you will still be signed out.
