Using type families and Generics to find an Id value

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-05 12:02:21

You're pretty close to making Choose typecheck. L1 and R1 are constructors of (:+:), not Crumbs. There's also a type GHC.Generics.R :: * which hides the R constructor from Crumbs at the type level, but you can use 'R to disambiguate (singly-quoted names are constructors, doubly-quoted are type constructors).

It's also good practice to annotate kinds of types, much like we annotate types of toplevel functions.

type family Choose (e :: Res) (f :: Res) :: Res where
  Choose (Found a) b = Found ('L a)
  Choose a (Found b) = Found ('R b)
  Choose NotFound NotFound = NotFound  -- I'm not a fan of overlapping families