Python Video Framework

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-05 11:56:19

Try a Python wrapper for OpenCV such as ctypes-opencv. The C API reference is here, and the wrapper is very close (see docstrings for any changes).

I have used it to draw on video without any flicker, so you should have no problems with that.

A rough outline of calls you need:

  • Load video with cvCreateFileCapture, load font with cvFont.
  • Grab frame with cvQueryFrame, increment your frame counter.
  • Draw on the frame with cvPutText, cvEllipse, etc etc.
  • Display to user with cvShowImage.

Qt (PyQt) has Phonon, which might help out. PyQt is available as GPL or payware. (Qt has LGPL too, but the PyQt wrappers don't)
