I need to write a function that flat a list.
For example:
flat([ c , [[[]]] , [] , k] , X).
this is what I did:
flat([[A] |B] , R) :- flat([A|B],R).
flat([[]|L],L1) :- flat(L,L1).!
flat([[A|L]|W],R) :- flat([A|L],U), flat(W,W1), append(U,W1,R).
flat([A|L], [A|L1]) :- flat(L,L1).
I know why it is not true but I do not know how to do that. thanks.
EDIT: almost work:
flat([[]|L],L1) :- flat(L,L1). --- i think something here missing
flat([[A|L]|W],R) :- flat([A|L],U), flat(W,W1), append(U,W1,R).
flat([A|L], [A|L1]) :- flat(L,L1).
?- flat([c , [[[]]] , [] , k],C).
C = [c, k] ;
C = [c, [], k] ;
C = [c, [], k] ;
C = [c, [], [], k] ;
C = [c, [[]], k] ;
C = [c, [[]], [], k] ;
C = [c, [[[]]], k] ;
C = [c, [[[]]], [], k].
flatten(List, FlatList) :-
flatten(List, [], FlatList0), !,
FlatList = FlatList0.
flatten(Var, Tl, [Var|Tl]) :-
var(Var), !.
flatten([], Tl, Tl) :- !.
flatten([Hd|Tl], Tail, List) :- !,
flatten(Hd, FlatHeadTail, List),
flatten(Tl, Tail, FlatHeadTail).
flatten(NonList, Tl, [NonList|Tl]).
Here is swi-prolog solution by Jan Wielemaker and Richard O'Keefe, the code can be found in prolog's library directory, in lists.pl file.
Code edited (see comments)
Another possibiliy, using DCG :
flat(L, FL) :-
flat(L, FL, []).
flat(X) -->
flat([]) -->
flat([X | T]) -->
flat(X) --> [X].
Now we get :
?- flat([[a,b,c,d|r]], FL) .
FL = [a,b,c,d,r] .
?- flat([1,2,[3,4]],L).
L = [1,2,3,4] .
?- flat([1,2,[3,4]],[1,2,3,4]).
true .
?- flat([ c , [[[]]] , [] , k] , X).
X = [c,k] .
That bang (...flat(L,L1).!...) it's a typo, isn't it?
You could study a good implementation from SWI-Prolog, that exposes its code and gives what's expected:
?- flatten([ c , [[[]]] , [] , k] , X).
X = [c, k].
Otherwise, try to debug with a simple case to see where your code, once cleaned, fails. BTW, your code seems to works, just yields more solutions, you need to prune some unwanted path:
?- flat([c , [[[]]] , [] , k],C).
C = [c, k] ;
C = [c, [], k] ;
C = [c, [], k] ;
C = [c, [], [], k] .
edit here is code from library(lists) of SWI-Prolog
%% flatten(+List1, ?List2) is det.
% Is true if List2 is a non-nested version of List1.
% @deprecated Ending up needing flatten/3 often indicates,
% like append/3 for appending two lists, a bad
% design. Efficient code that generates lists
% from generated small lists must use difference
% lists, often possible through grammar rules for
% optimal readability.
% @see append/2
flatten(List, FlatList) :-
flatten(List, [], FlatList0), !,
FlatList = FlatList0.
flatten(Var, Tl, [Var|Tl]) :-
var(Var), !.
flatten([], Tl, Tl) :- !.
flatten([Hd|Tl], Tail, List) :- !,
flatten(Hd, FlatHeadTail, List),
flatten(Tl, Tail, FlatHeadTail).
flatten(NonList, Tl, [NonList|Tl]).
Your code seems fairly correct WRT your comment:
?- flat([1,2,[3,4]],[1,2,3,4]).
true ;