I am using Xcode 10.0 and running in 12.1.1(16C50). It was given below error.
iOS 12.1.1 not supported by Xcode 10.0: Could not locate device support files
Please upgrade your Xcode
IDE to 10.1
Xcode 10.1 Release Notes can be found at, https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode_release_notes/xcode_10_1_release_notes/
Just download latest OS SDK (iOS 12.2) and paste it on respective location.
Downloadable URL:
Follow below step.
1) Unzipped downloaded file
2) Right click on Xcode and click on Show Package Content
3) Then paste your file on path
Contents -> Developer -> Platforms -> iPhoneOS.platforms -> DeviceSupport
4) Restart Xcode
Is it very convenient, saving the trouble of updating Xcode. what? You can't find a new Device Support file! Ok, you can copy it out from your friend's latest Xcode, or download from here
The added iOS Disk image for iOS 13.0, 12.3 and iOS 12.4
Download Developer disk image for iOS 12.1 from https://github.com/xushuduo/Xcode-iOS-Developer-Disk-Image/releases and perform following steps
- Unzipped downloaded file
- Right click on Xcode and click on "Show Package Content"
- Then paste your file on path "Contents -> Developer -> Platforms -> iPhoneOS.platforms -> DeviceSupport"
- Restart Xcode
Thats It....