I'm working on a news site which will have articles, each with one or multiple respective authors. If you click on an author's name, it will take you to a page displaying their information and a list of articles they have contributed to.
So each article has an authors
property, which in turn is an array of author
objects with properties: full name, slug (lowercase version of full name with spaces replaced by dashes), etc.
Is it possible to filter the articles by a particular author's slug when defining the query?
query authorQuery($slug: String!) {
allContentfulArticle(filter: { //not sure what to do here }) {
edges {
node {
authors {
My other option would be to load all of the articles, then setup a filter in the component like so:
const articles = data.allContentfulArticle.edges.filter(({ node }) => {
return node.authors.some((author) => author.slug === data.contentfulAuthor.slug);
This wouldn't be the end of the world, however it goes against the GraphQL principle of only loading the data you need.
What you want to achieve here if I understood correctly, you want to group articles by author.
You can achieve that if you query and apply filter to allContentfulAuthor
and request the article
field, like so:
allContentfulAuthor(filter: {slug: {eq: "myslug"}}) {
edges {
node {
article {
Note that the article
name is your contentTypeId for your articles.