Setting metaclass of wrapped class with Boost.Python

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-05 10:16:34

If boost does not offer a way to do it from withn c++, and it looks like it don't, the way to go is to create wrapper classes that implement the metaclass -

It can be done more or less automatically usign a ittle bit of instrospection. Let's suppose your boost module is named "event" - you should either name the file as _event or place it inside you module, and write an python file - named "" (or an file on your module that would do more or less this:

import _event

class eventmeta(type):

event_dict = globals()
for key, value in _event.__dict__.items():
    if isinstance(value, type):
        event_dict[key] = eventmeta(key, (value,),{})
        #set other module members as members of this module
        event_dict[key] = value

del key, value, event_dict

Thos cpde will automatically set module variables equal to any names found in the native"_event" module - and for each class it encounters, create a new class changing the metaclass, as in your example.

It may be that you get a metaclass conflict by doing this. If so, the way is to make the newly created classes to be proxies to the native classes, by creating proper __getattribute__ and __setattr__ methods. Just ask in a comment if you will need to do that.
