seeking autocomplete functionality in emacs

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-05 09:51:19

It depends on your settings of auto-complete & CEDET. It looks like that auto-complete is setup to show possible completions only after several characters will be typed. You can check value of the ac-auto-start variable - if this is a number, then auto-complete will be called after this number of characters. Another important thing is a what is in your ac-sources variable - for work with CEDET you need to use ac-source-semantic-raw or ac-source-semantic completion source. To automatic completion after . or -> you can try to use Semantic's built-in completion with something like:

(defun my-c-mode-cedet-hook ()
 (local-set-key "." 'semantic-complete-self-insert)
 (local-set-key ">" 'semantic-complete-self-insert))
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-cedet-hook)

P.S. Had you seen my article on CEDET & C++?

I have found that cedet is really underwhelming, especially under cmake projects.

I would recommend using It underlines errors as you type as well as using smart completions. Just add this to your init file after obtaining the required emacs packages

(require 'rtags)
(require 'popup)
(require 'rtags-ac)
(setq rtags-completions-enabled t)
(rtags-enable-standard-keybindings c-mode-base-map)
(add-hook 'c++-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (setq ac-sources '(ac-source-rtags)