How to model signed integer with BitVector?

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-05 08:45:54

Z3 has APIs for the signed and unsigned interpretations. For example, in the C API, Z3_mk_bvslt creates the signed less than, and Z3_mk_bvult the unsigned one. In Z3Py, we overloaded <, <=, ... using the signed ones. For creating, the unsigned a < b, we have to use ULT(a,b). Here is the list of unsigned operators: ULE (<=), ULT (<), UGE (>=), UGT (>), UDiv (unsigned division), URem (unsigned remainder). You can find more information here:

You are correct to observe that bit-vector values don't carry a sign. On the other hand, there are signed versions of bit-vector operations and relations. SO you can treat the same bit-vector entity as a signed or unsigned number by passing them to a signed or unsigned comparison (signed less/unsigned less) or signed or unsigned operation (signed division/unsigned division). Other arithmetical operations work the same on signed and unsigned entities. For example addition moves the bits around the same way whether you want to interpret them as signed or unsigned.

Z3 follows the conventions of the SMT-LIB2 theories, and you can find extensive documentation on these on:
