MSBuild Script and VS2010 publish apply Web.config Transform

半腔热情 提交于 2019-11-26 21:21:06

I was looking for similar information and didn't quite find it, so I did some digging around in the .targets files that come with Visual Studio 2010 and MSBuild 4.0. I figured that was the best place to look for the MSBuild task that would perform the transformation.

As far as I have been able to tell, the following MSBuild task is used:

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"

    <UsingTask TaskName="TransformXml"

        <ProjectPath>C:\Path to Project\Here</ProjectPath>
        <DeployPath>C:\Path to Deploy\There</DeployPath>

    <Target Name="Transform">
        <TransformXml Source="$(TransformInputFile)"
                      Condition="some condition here"
                      StackTrace="$(StackTraceEnabled)" />

I have tested the above and can confirm that it works. You might need to tweak the structure a bit to fit with your build script better.

You should be able to accomplish this by using the Package target and specifying the temp directory.

msbuild solution.sln /p:Configuration=Release;DeployOnBuild=true;DeployTarget=Package;_PackageTempDir=..\publish

Alternatively, you try using the XDT Transformation Tool:

I'm using this instead of messing with obscure msbuild targets. Works with app.config not just web.config.

It worked for me with the following change

<MSBuild Projects="$(ProjectFile)"
     Properties="WebProjectOutputDir=TempOutputFolder;OutDir=$(WebProjectOutputDir);Configuration=$(Configuration);" />

From Microsoft.WebApplication.targets file under MsBuild folder


This target will copy the build outputs along with the 
content files into a _PublishedWebsites folder.

This Task is only necessary when $(OutDir) has been redirected
to a folder other than ~\bin such as is the case with Team Build.

The original _CopyWebApplication is now a Legacy, you can still use it by 
 setting $(UseWPP_CopyWebApplication) to true.
By default, it now change to use _WPPCopyWebApplication target in
It allow to leverage the web.config trsnaformation.

I'm no expert with MSBuild, but I was able to use the information from this link to accomplish the same task:

There is a section related to MSBuild near the bottom of the article. Hope this helps.

Another answer to this topic after I've been searching for days before I tackled this issue:

Your publish profile and configuration names should match.

In my case mine didn't. Manually publishing through the publishing profile gave me the result I wanted, because my configuration was set in the publish profile. MSBuild however tries to be intelligent and magically connects the publish profile and configuration based on name. (Adding the /p:Configuration in the command resulted in other strange errors about the outputpath of a referenced project).

Just to be exactly clear in what I mean:

MSBuild statement from command line

msbuild myproject.csproj -t:Clean -t:Rebuild /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile="Development"


  • Publish Profile name: Development
  • Solution Configuration name: Development


  • Publish Profile name: Development
  • Solution Configuration name: Dev

Hope this helps!
