Ambiguous reference between MonoGame & Microsoft.XNA.Framework namespaces

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-05 08:17:41

The way to solve this specific problem is by using an extern alias (MSDN, tutorial).

That way you can alias the Microsoft XNA DLL and specify an appropriate using statement just for the Microphone class. Continue using MonoGame as normal.

Possibly a better solution might be to make your own wrapper class called Microphone in the namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio using this technique. Put it in a separate assembly so you don't have to pollute your main source code with the extern alias stuff.

The ideal way, of course, is to actually implement Microphone for MonoGame and contribute it ;)

(Of course, this answer says nothing about how successful you might be at mixing MonoGame and XNA in this way, functionality-wise. Hopefully it works.)
