I'm using Salat with MongoDB and I'm trying to convert to natural keys to avoid duplicates in the database. The case class I'm using looks somewhat like:
case class Foo(someRelatedId: String, email: String ...)
I would like to add a natural key that consists of someRelatedId+email and have MongoDB use that instead of the default ObjectId. From the documentation I get the feeling it is possible, but I'm still groping around for a working solution. This is in a large part due to my lack of proficiency with Scala itself, I'm sure.
Update: I have a working solution now, but I'm still wondering if it is the best way to go
case class Foo(someRelatedId: String, email: String, naturalKey: String)
object Foo {
def apply((someRelatedId: String, email: String) {
apply(someRelatedId, email, someRelatedId+email)
And then in package.scala I map to a custom salat context:
implicit val ctx = new Context() {
val name = Some("Custom Context")
ctx.registerGlobalKeyOverride(remapThis = "naturalKey", toThisInstead = "_id")
This way I avoid having a mandatory (meaningless) _id field in my domain classes, but I do have to overload apply() on the companion object, which seems a bit clunky.
main Salat developer here.
Like Milan suggested, create a case class for your composite key:
case class FooKey(someRelatedId: String, email: String)
case class Foo(@Key("_id") naturalKey: FooKey) {
// use @Persist if you want these fields serialized verbatim to Mongo - see https://github.com/novus/salat/wiki/Annotations for details
@Persist val email = naturalKey.email
@Persist val someRelatedId = naturalKey.someRelatedId
object FooDAO extends SalatDAO[Foo, FooKey](collection = /* some Mongo coll */ )
If you object to "_id" as a field name, you can use a global override in the context to remap "_id" to "naturalKey", or supply ad hoc @Key overrides on each object.
I don't personally like giving the _id a different name in your models as then your Mongo queries must use the serialized key "_id" while all your business logic must use the case class field name ("naturalKey" or whatever), but YMMV.
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