Multiple ng-views for homepage in angularjs

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-05 07:13:47

There would be only single ng-view on a single page. It won't possible to have multiple ng-view. If you want to load other partials then you need to use ng-include directive.

Ui-router best option which has supported the multiple views which can be nested on into the other, you could take the advantage of nested views.

You could have query params here in Angular UI Router like in format url: '/test?oneParam&twoParam' whereas this feature doesn't support in ng-route

I would suggest you to take switch from ng-route to ui-route, which has great control over url, templates & states

You can only have one ng-view.

However , it is possible to change its content in several ways: ng-include, ng-switch or mapping different controllers and templates through the routeProvider.

You can also look into using ui-router, which allows for multiple parallel views.

Here is an example of multiple views using ui-router.
