How to only fire event if flipswitch is manually switched

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-05 06:21:02

You need to use .on() to attach change event and .off() to remove it - before you bind it again - whenever you change the value dynamically.

Wrap all your code in pagecreate event, it is equvilant to .ready().

$(document).on("pagecreate", "#main", function () {

    /* change event handler */
    function flipChanged(e) {
        var id =,
            value = this.value;
        console.log(id + " has been changed! " + value);

    /* add listener - this will be removed once other buttons are clicked */
    $("#flip").on("change", flipChanged);

    $('#setlion').on('vclick', function (e) {
            .off("change") /* remove previous listener */
            .val('animal') /* update value */
            .flipswitch('refresh') /* re-enhance switch */
            .on("change", flipChanged); /* add listener again */

    $('#setrose').on('vclick', function (e) {
            .on("change", flipChanged);

