Copy std::map to std::set in c++

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-05 06:19:23

What about this?

std::transform(myMap.begin(), myMap.end(), std::inserter(mySet, mySet.begin()),
    [](const std::pair<int, double*>& key_value) {
        return key_value.second;

This only copies the pointers, though. If you want a deep-copy, then you would need to do:

std::transform(myMap.begin(), myMap.end(), std::inserter(mySet, mySet.begin()),
    [](const std::pair<int, double*>& key_value) {
        return new double(*key_value.second);

BTW, the code uses lambda functions (only available from C++11). If you cannot use C++11, you could use a function object, though.
