Delphi Function to Display Number of Bytes as Windows Does

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-05 06:16:25
Rob Kennedy

See the following functions, all in the shlwapi library.

Any of them will give you the first portion of your desired display format. Check the documentation or write your own tests to confirm that they give the conversions you expect regarding whether a megabyte consists of 1000 or 1024 kilobytes. For the second part of your display format, you can start with the answers to another Stack Overflow question:

But perhaps that question is the wrong avenue to go down since all the suggestions there, as well as FloatToStrF, fail at the upper limits of Int64. You'll lose a few bytes, but I consider those pretty important bytes since the purpose of the second value in that display format is to provide an exact number.

Once you have all the pieces, glue them together. I'm using a hypothetical IntToStrCommas function here, and if you want to implement that as FloatToStrF, go ahead.

function BytesToDisplay(const num: Int64): string;
  // If GB is the largest unit available, then 20 characters is
  // enough for "17,179,869,183.99 GB", which is MaxUInt64.
  buf: array[0..20] of Char;
  if StrFormatByteSize64(num, buf, Length(buf)) = nil then
    raise EConvertError.CreateFmt('Error converting %d', [num]);
  Result := Format('%s (%s bytes)', [buf, IntToStrCommas(num)]);

Not exactly what you're after but I have a function in my library that may give you an idea how to tackle this one:

function FormatByteSize(const bytes: Longword): string;
  B: byte;
  KB: word;
  MB: Longword;
  GB: Longword;
  TB: UInt64;

  B  := 1; //byte
  KB := 1024 * B; //kilobyte
  MB := 1000 * KB; //megabyte
  GB := 1000 * MB; //gigabyte
  TB := 1000 * GB; //teraabyte

  if bytes > TB then
    result := FormatFloat('#.## TB', bytes / TB)
    if bytes > GB then
      result := FormatFloat('#.## GB', bytes / GB)
      if bytes > MB then
        result := FormatFloat('#.## MB', bytes / MB)
        if bytes > KB then
          result := FormatFloat('#.## KB', bytes / KB)
          result := FormatFloat('#.## bytes', bytes) ;

This is from my dzlib unit u_dzConvertUtils:

/// these contants refer to the "Xx binary byte" units as defined by the
/// International Electronical Commission (IEC) and endorsed by the
/// IEE and CiPM </summary>
  OneKibiByte = Int64(1024);
  OneMebiByte = Int64(1024) * OneKibiByte;
  OneGibiByte = Int64(1024) * OneMebiByte;
  OneTebiByte = Int64(1024) * OneGibiByte;
  OnePebiByte = Int64(1024) * OneTebiByte;
  OneExbiByte = Int64(1024) * OnePebiByte;

/// <summary>
/// Converts a file size to a human readable string, e.g. 536870912000 = 5.00 GiB (gibibyte) </summary>
function FileSizeToHumanReadableString(_FileSize: Int64): string;
  if _FileSize > 5 * OneExbiByte then
    Result := Format(_('%.2f EiB'), [_FileSize / OneExbiByte])
  else if _FileSize > 5 * OnePebiByte then
    Result := Format(_('%.2f PiB'), [_FileSize / OnePebiByte])
  else if _FileSize > 5 * OneTebiByte then
    Result := Format(_('%.2f TiB'), [_FileSize / OneTebiByte])
  else if _FileSize > 5 * OneGibiByte then
    Result := Format(_('%.2f GiB'), [_FileSize / OneGibiByte])
  else if _FileSize > 5 * OneMebiByte then
    Result := Format(_('%.2f MiB'), [_FileSize / OneMebiByte])
  else if _FileSize > 5 * OneKibiByte then
    Result := Format(_('%.2f KiB'), [_FileSize / OneKibiByte])
    Result := Format(_('%d Bytes'), [_FileSize]);