ZipFile is throwing error but ZipInputStream is able to decompress the archive

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-05 04:59:42

ZipFile attempts to parse the "central directory" at the end of the zip in order to build up a data structure that allows you to access individual entries by name. ZipInputStream doesn't, it only looks at the local header of each entry as it reads through the file from top to bottom. So it looks like your file has good entries but a corrupted central directory for some reason.

There are a number of possibilities, for example issues with the encoding of non-ASCII characters in entry names, or if the zip has more than 64k entries. I would try the commons-compress implementation of ZipFile - even if it doesn't work it should give you a more specific error message than the "something is wrong" that you get from

In addition to Ian Robert's answer, if Java 7 is an option, you may wish to sidestep the older libraries in favor of using the ZIP filesystem provider.
