Unique Salt per User using Flask-Security

久未见 提交于 2019-12-05 04:22:55

Yes, Flask-Security does use per-user salts by design if using bcrypt (and other schemes such as des_crypt, pbkdf2_sha256, pbkdf2_sha512, sha256_crypt, sha512_crypt).

The config for 'SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT' is only used for HMAC encryption. If you are using bcrypt as the hashing algorithm Flask-Security uses passlib for hashing and it generates a random salt during hashing. This confustion is noted in issue 268: https://github.com/mattupstate/flask-security/issues/268

It can be verified in the code, walking from encrypt to passlib:

flask_security/utils.py (lines 143-151, 39, and 269)

def encrypt_password(password):
   return _pwd_context.encrypt(signed)

_pwd_context = LocalProxy(lambda: _security.pwd_context)

flask_security/core.py (269, 244-251, and 18)


def _get_pwd_context(app):
    return CryptContext(schemes=schemes, default=pw_hash, deprecated=deprecated)

from passlib.context import CryptContext

and finally from: https://pythonhosted.org/passlib/password_hash_api.html#passlib.ifc.PasswordHash.encrypt

note that each call to encrypt() generates a new salt,


Turns out that if you use bcrypt, it takes care of the salting and stores it with the hash. So I'll go that route!

Thanks to this topic which lead me to this discovery:

Do I need to store the salt with bcrypt?
