How to toggle the customizing_column_menu icons in angular ui.grid like shown below
I didn't found any best solution to change menuItems dynamically, Here is what I did for workaround
$scope.gridOptions = {
rowHeight: 75,
columnDefs: [{
field: 'name',
enableColumnMenu: false
}, {
field: 'gender',
enableHiding: false,
suppressRemoveSort: true,
sort: {
direction: uiGridConstants.ASC
}, {
field: 'All Details',
cellTemplate: '<p ng-show="grid.appScope.company"><label><b>Company:</b></label><span>{{row.entity.company}}</span></p><p ng-show="grid.appScope.email"><label><b>email:</b></label><span>{{row.entity.email}}</span></p>',
menuItems: [{
title: 'Company',
icon: 'ui-grid-icon-ok',
action: function() {
$scope.company = $scope.company ? false : true;
context: $scope,
shown: function() {
return this.context.company;
title: 'Company',
icon: 'ui-grid-icon-cancel',
action: function() {
$scope.company = $scope.company ? false : true;
context: $scope,
shown: function() {
return !this.context.company;
}, {
title: 'Email',
icon: 'ui-grid-icon-ok',
action: function() {
$scope.email = $scope.email ? false : true;
context: $scope,
shown: function() {
return this.context.email;
}, {
title: 'Email',
icon: 'ui-grid-icon-cancel',
action: function() {
$scope.email = $scope.email ? false : true;
context: $scope,
shown: function() {
return !this.context.email;
Working Plunkr