How can I estimate the disk size of a string with JavaScript?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-05 02:59:04

It's not going to be exact, but you can count the number of bytes in a string to get a rough estimation.

function bytes(string) {
    var escaped_string = encodeURI(string);
    if (escaped_string.indexOf("%") != -1) {
        var count = escaped_string.split("%").length - 1;
        count = count == 0 ? 1 : count;
        count = count + (escaped_string.length - (count * 3));
    else {
        count = escaped_string.length;

return count;


var mystring = 'tâ'; alert(bytes(mystring));

James Kovacs

It is going to depend on your character encoding. If you use ASCII encoding, it's going to be str.length bytes. If you use UTF-16, it's going to be (str.length * 2) bytes. If you use UTF-8, it is going to depend on the characters in the string. (Some characters will only take 1 byte, but others could take up to 4 bytes.) If you're dealing with Base64-encoded data, the characters are all within the ASCII range and therefore would occupy str.length bytes on disk. If you decode them first and save as binary, it would take (str.length * 3/4) bytes. (With Base64, 3 uncoded bytes become 4 coded bytes.)

BTW - If you haven't read Joel Spolsky's The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!), you should do so immediately.

UPDATE: If you're using localStorage, I assume that you're familiar with window.localStorage.length, though this only tells you how much has been used, not whether your new data will fit. I would also highly recommend reading Dive into HTML5, especially the section on storage:

Unless something has changed since its writing, I'm not sure what you can do as localStorage limits you to 5MB per domain with no way for the user to increase it.

If you are talking about memory usage, then no. There is no way of reliably determining the used memory (at least implementation-independently), since this is not part of the ECMAScript spec. It depends on your character encoding.

It depends on the data in your string and the way it is stored. If your Base64 encoded string is stored as a Base64 encoded string, the length is the same as the size on disk. If not, you have to decode it

I found a solution (although it seems a bit icky) here

 function checkLength() {
    var countMe = document.getElementById("someText").value
    var escapedStr = encodeURI(countMe)
    if (escapedStr.indexOf("%") != -1) {
        var count = escapedStr.split("%").length - 1
        if (count == 0) count++  //perverse case; can't happen with real UTF-8
        var tmp = escapedStr.length - (count * 3)
        count = count + tmp
    } else {
        count = escapedStr.length
    alert(escapedStr + ": size is " + count)

You can count the number of bytes in a string by this simple and precise way

var head = 'data:image/png;base64,';
var imgFileSize = Math.round((string.length - head.length)*3/4) ;

console.log("size is ",imgFileSize);