创建 /etc/systemd/system/zookeeper.service 文件,内容下
[root@zookeep-kafka-node1 bin]# cat /etc/systemd/system/zookeeper.service [Unit] Description=zookeeper.service After=network.target ConditionPathExists=/opt/zookeeper-3.5.6/conf/zoo.cfg [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/opt/zookeeper-3.5.6/bin/zkServer.sh start ExecStop=/opt/zookeeper-3.5.6/bin/zkServer.sh stop [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
[root@zookeep-kafka-node1 ~]# systemctl daemon-reload [root@zookeep-kafka-node1 ~]# systemctl enable zookeeper [root@zookeep-kafka-node1 ~]# systemctl start zookeeper [root@zookeep-kafka-node1 ~]# systemctl stop zookeeper
报错:zkServer.sh[11717]: Error: JAVA_HOME is not set and java could not be found in PATH
修改zkEnv.sh文件 增加JAVA_HOME
[root@zookeep-kafka-node3 bin]# cat zkEnv.sh |grep -C 5 JAVA_HOME # or the conf directory that is # a sibling of this script's directory. # Or you can specify the ZOOCFGDIR using the # '--config' option in the command line. JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.8.0_231 ZOOBINDIR="${ZOOBINDIR:-/usr/bin}" ZOOKEEPER_PREFIX="${ZOOBINDIR}/.." #check to see if the conf dir is given as an optional argument