Is there any possibility of receiving drag and drop events from SVG elements within a web page?
I tried the Google Closure library, to no avail.
Specifically, suppose my page contains
<ul id = "list">
<li class="item" id="item1">foo</li>
<li class="item">bar</li>
<li class="item">baz</li>
And my script contains (Clojurescript/C2)
(let [items (select-all ".item")
lst (select "#list")
target (fx/DragDrop. lst nil)]
(dorun (map
(fn [item]
(let [source (fx/DragDrop. item nil)]
(. source (addTarget target))
(. source (init))))
(. target (init)))
Then I do get a drag image (ghost), although I do not manage to receive drag events e.g. by doing
(on-raw "#item1" :dragstart (fn [e] (.log js/console (str "dragstart " e))))
Using similar code for SVG elements, I do not even get a ghost...
Any hints?
Drag events are not supported on SVG Elements:
You can fake the drag events with mouse events, see (view the source).
You can always implement it. Basically, you have to check if the element is touching another one when you are dragging:
this.isTouching = function(element){
if(this.x <= element.x && element.x <= (this.x + this.width) &&
this.y <= element.y && element.y <= (this.y + this.height)){
return true;
return false;
And it works in all browsers. Hope it helps :)