what is the jQuery outerHeight() equivalent in YUI

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-05 01:43:40

There is no built-in way of getting the outer width of an element with its margin in YUI. Like @jshirley mentions, there is offsetWidth, but it doesn't take margins into account. You can however create a function that adds the margin very easily:

Y.Node.ATTRS.outerHeight = {
  getter: function () {
    return this.get('offsetHeight') + 
           parseFloat(this.getComputedStyle('marginTop')) + 

Y.Node.ATTRS.outerWidth = {
  getter: function () {
    return this.get('offsetWidth') +
           parseFloat(this.getComputedStyle('marginLeft')) +

Then you can get the outer width by doing Y.one(selector).get('outerWidth'). Here's an example based on @jshirley's code: http://jsbin.com/aretab/4/.

Just keep in mind that dimensions are usually a source of bugs in browsers and this doesn't take into account some stuff (ie: dimensions of the document) jQuery tries to catch (see https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/src/dimensions.js).

If you wanted to avoid the manual labor, wrap the element in a div and get the computed style of that.

If it's something you're doing more than once, create a function/plugin to reuse.

According to http://www.jsrosettastone.com/, you should be using .get('offsetHeight').

This example shows the equivalency: http://jsbin.com/aretab/1/edit

I ended up writing my own little utility function for this:

 * Calculates the outer height for the given DOM element, including the 
 * contributions of padding, border, and margin.
 * @param el - the element of which to calculate the outer height
function calculateElementOuterHeight(el) {

  var height = 0;
  var attributeHeight = 0;
  var attributes = [

  for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {

    // for most browsers, getStyle() will get us a value for the attribute 
    // that is parse-able into a number
    attributeHeight = parseInt(YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(el, attributes[i]), 10);

    // if the browser returns something that is not parse-able, like "auto", 
    // try getComputedStyle(); should get us what we need
    if (isNaN(attributeHeight)) {
      attributeHeight = parseInt(YAHOO.util.Dom.getComputedStyle(el, attributes[i]), 10);

    // if we have an actual numeric value now, add it to the height, 
    // otherwise ignore it
    if (!isNaN(attributeHeight)) {
      height += attributeHeight;

  return isNaN(height) ? 0 : height;

This seems to work across all modern browsers. I've tested it in Chrome, Firefox (idk about 3.6, but the latest version works), Safari, Opera, & IE 7,8,9. Let me know what you guys think!
