Visual C# 2010 Express: Specify default access modifier for new classes?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-05 01:34:01

The trick is to create a new item template named Class. Then when you do Add > New Class, your template will be selected by default rather than the built-in Class template. (I am not sure if this behaviour is guaranteed but it Works On My Machine (TM).) To create the template:

  1. Right-click in your project and choose Add > Class. You can accept the default name (Class1) -- this is just a temporary file.
  2. Modify the generated class as, for example by adding the public modifier. Save everything.
  3. Choose File > Export Template.
  4. Choose Item Template and specify the relevant file (Class1.cs).
  5. Click Next until you get to the Template Options page. For the template name, enter Class.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Delete the temporary Class1.cs file.

Now do an Add > Class and you should see your Class template being used by default instead of the built-in one.

You can Define Your Own Item Templates.

Visual Studio Templates

They are supported in the Express Edition as well: Creating Visual Studio Express Templates
