I am using Laravel 5.1
I recently uploaded my project in shared hosting. but when i browse http://siteAddress.com/local/.env
my .env file is visible.
Is there any way to hide this file or redirect people if they want browse the site with folder view?
Finally I hide .env
and disable index view of the folder named local
. I create a .htaccess
in folder local
And here is the code of .htaccess
# Disable index view
Options -Indexes
# Hide a specific file
<Files .env>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Please create a .htaccess
file where you have .env file and write the code as shown below:
<Files ~ "^.*\.([Ee][Nn][Vv])">
order allow,deny
deny from all
satisfy all
Then try to hit the .env file from url and it will not be available and show codes inside.
If you want to remove it from github.
Please create new file .gitignore on the same directory.
and add line
The .env
file resides outside the public
folder so it should not be visible from outside world if the server is configured to see the public
folder as document root.
From the best answer:
Remember that once your server is configured to see the public folder as the document root, no one can view the files that one level down that folder, which means that your .env file is already protected, as well your entire application. - That is the reason the public folder is there, security. - The only directories that you can see in your browser if you set the document root to the public folder is the folders that are there, like the styles and scripts.
Check the folder structure on your hosting and make sure the public
folder is the document root.
You can add below code in .htaccess file to disable directory listing and restrict access of .env file:
# Disable Directory listing
Options -Indexes
# block files which needs to be hidden, specify .example extension of the file
<Files ~ "\.(env|json|config.js|md|gitignore|gitattributes|lock)$">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all