I upgraded to Xcode 9.0 recently and for some reason my accounts doesn't get stored in the Accounts panel anymore. Xcode stores them if I close the program, but NOT when I restart the computer.
I guess this is a bug and not a new feature, but are there any hacks or settings that I could change to prevent my accounts from disappearing (except from never turn off the computer that is)?
For the ones who may concern I've experienced a quite similar bug. In my case, some accounts disappeared and some others just "loose" the authentication with a "please relogin message". Even if I re-insert the credentials they disappear every time I quit and reopen Xcode.
Inspecting Console.app, I noticed that the problem seems related to a "not signed" binary regarding Xcode internal tools:
com.apple.dt.Xcode.KeychainService (DVTFoundation)
Subsystem: -- Category: --
DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/IDEFrameworks/IDEFrameworks-14154/IDEFoundation/Provisioning/KeychainService/main.m:59
Details: Connecting process is not Apple-signed (Error Domain=DVTSecErrorDomain Code=-67050 "code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s)})
Object: <IDEKeychainServiceDelegate: 0x7f9e93404000>
Method: -_shouldAcceptConnectionFromPID:error:
Thread: <NSThread: 0x7f9e93403290>{number = 2, name = (null)}
Please file a bug at http://bugreport.apple.com with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
Reinstalling a complete clean macOS 10.13.4 and Xcode 9.3 was not helpfull. The problem was still there.
After struggling a lot with this bug, I found that after launching the previous version of Xcode 9.2 and configured the AppleIDs on this version results in a working one even with Xcode 9.3. Now AppleIDs appear correctly configured and working without any issues.
I solved this issue by reinstalling Xcode. Apparently something went wrong in the first upgrading process.
Before reinstallation I deleted the app in Applications folder and deleted everything in ~/Library/Caches folder (but I don't know if that had any impact). If you still are stuck you can try to delete files in the ~/Library/Developer folder also (at your own risk).