Selenium locator for <label for=“x”>

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-05 00:51:59
Paul Degnan

I believe you can do this with the following:

selenium.Type(selenium.getAttribute("//label[text()='Username']/@for"), "xxx");

The text()='Username' bit gets the label you want by its innerHTML, then the /@for gives you back the value of its "for" attribute.

Heads up: this is not tested (apologies for that!) but I think it'll work, based on some tooling around in the IDE plugin

This works:


Explanation: Since you are looking for the input:


replace the "ctl00_content_loginForm_ctl01_username" by the attribute's value of the label:

Chris Challis

Ok, this may be a year old but what they hey. This will select the first input under a label containing the text 'Username'.


I generally prefer using contains() as I find that some browsers are adding annoying spaces into the occasional element:

//label[contains(., 'Username')]/input

Note that the single slash before input denotes it will only look one level down, where the double slash would check all levels under the label. Use XPather for Firefox to create and check your XPaths, it's very useful.

Yes, you can use XPath, CSS or DOM locators to identify your element. In this example your XPath could look like //lable[@for='ctl00_content_loginForm_ctl01_username'] to identify that particular label.
