Swiss Ephemeris Sideral Mode with Lahiri Ayanamsha gives wrong values

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-04 23:06:31

After hours of googling and breaking my head I figured out that vedic horoscope traditionally uses geocentric values. I was using topocentric values for the moon's longitude. This doesn't make much difference for other planets due to their distance from earth unlike the moon. Once i generated the geocentric values the moon longitude matched as well.

Although it seems wrong that Vedic horoscope uses geocentric longitudes when a more accurate topocentric values are available, astrology has traditionally worked that way. Besides the astrological rules are built to give right predictions with wrong data :P

Swiss ephemeris is likely to give you more accurate results. For most planets difference exists in only seconds except for moon if you compare the value provided by you. For vedic horoscopy this difference is acceptable. Please proceed to use results obtained by you from swiss ephemeris.
