Does anyone know a free CDN for blueprint css framework
Well, it's not technically a CDN but you can link directly to github
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//"/>
I haven't tried this myself, and don't know if they might change it at any given moment. But it's a solution for not having to host it yourself.
For me, I would put it on my own server, I prefer not to have the dependency, and they are small files. But if you're trying to squeeze every ms I'd test it. Your servers may be faster, and a connection to them is already established.
At the same time, many browsers have a connection limit for each domain, so you may get parallel downloads, also a CDN is nice because the user often has the resource already cached (although, not likely in this case).
Personally, I wouldn't do it, unless it's Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc... and they're putting it on their servers specifically for the purpose. I use the Google CDN for jQuery, and it's great. But Blueprint just isn't there yet.