Docker tries to mkdir the folder that I mount

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-04 22:19:35

I got this error after changing my Windows password. I had to go into Docker settings and do "Reset credentials" under "Shared Drives", then restart Docker.

Make sure the folder is being shared with the docker embedded VM. This differs with the various types of docker for desktop installs. With toolbox, I believe you can find the shared folders in the VirtualBox configuration. You should also note that these directories are case sensitive. One way to debug is to try:

docker run --rm -it -v "/:/host" ubuntu /bin/bash

And see what the filesystem looks like under "/host".

In case you work with a separate Windows user, with which you share the volume (C: usually): you need to make sure it has access to the folders you are working with -- including their parents, up to your home directory.

Also make sure that EFS (Encrypting File System) is disabled for the shared folders.

See also my answer here.

Did you use this container before? You could try to remove all the docker-volumes before re-executing your command.

docker volume rm `(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)`

I tried your command locally (MacOS) without any error.

I faced this error when another running container was already using folder that is being mounted in docker run command. Please check for the same & if not needed then stop the container. Best solution is to use volume by using following command -

docker volume create

then Mount this created volume if required to be used by multiple containers..

For anyone having this issue in linux based os, try to remount your remote folders which are used by docker image. This helped me in ubuntu:

sudo mount -a