Yii2 REST api bearer authentication

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-04 22:01:57
  • Give me "user.php" for checking more...
  • The "CheckinsController" should like below LOCs (don't add more information when you don't control it).

    namespace api\modules\v1\controllers;

    use yii\rest\ActiveController;
    use yii\data\ActiveDataProvider;
    use yii\filters\ContentNegotiator;
    use api\modules\v1\models\CheckinApi;
    use yii\filters\auth\HttpBearerAuth;
    use yii\web\Response;

    class CheckinsController extends ActiveController
        public $modelClass = 'common\models\Events';

    public function behaviors()
        $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
        $behaviors['authenticator'] = [
            'class' => HttpBearerAuth::className()   
        return $behaviors;
 public function behaviors() {
    $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
    $behaviors['authenticator'] = [
        'class' => CompositeAuth::className(),
        'except' => ['token'],
        'authMethods' => [
    return $behaviors;
muhammad aser

I had the same case you did. I am using ReactJS for client dan Yii2 for api.

In your case, check this rule:

    'class' => 'yii\rest\UrlRule',
    'controller' => 'v1/checkins', 
    'extraPatterns' => [
     'GET checkinview/<id:\d+>' => 'checkinview/'

This code should be:

    'class' => 'yii\rest\UrlRule',
    'controller' => 'v1/checkins', 
    'tokens' => ['{id}' => '<id:\\w+>'], --> because you stil use ActiveController
    'pluralize' => false, --> for disable pluralize
    'extraPatterns' => [
     'GET checkinview/<id:\d+>' => 'checkinview' --> remove '/' sign
     'OPTIONS checkinview/<id:\d+>' => 'options', --> for corsFilter

In my case, when checking on firebug, there are two calls made, one GET and one OPTIONS. The GET will return 200 OK and WITHOUT response, while the OPTIONS will return 401 Unauthorized access.

When browsing in google, found out that this simple line will make it work.

public function behaviors() {
            \yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge(parent::behaviors(), [
                'corsFilter' => [
                    'class' => \yii\filters\Cors::className(),
                'authenticator' => [
                    'class' => \yii\filters\auth\HttpBearerAuth::className(),
                    'except' => ['options'],

But, I do not understand why OPTIONS, why the GET return no response? Can anyone elaborate more on this?
