I have maven project wit java and groovy tests. In command line maven compilation all tests are running, but in my IDEA project (which is created automatically, by "AutoImport maven projects", IDEA copies groovy files to /target/test-classes without compiling them.
My gmaven plugin looks like
I had the same issue and had to change in Idea the following setting: Settings->Compiler->Resource patterns
It was !?*.java
I changed it into !?.java;!?.form;!?.class;!?.groovy;!?.scala;!?.flex;!?.kt;!?.clj
It would be better to be able to specify it into the pom file though but haven't found a way yet.
GMaven plugin is only intended for maven compilation. Idea uses the Groovy compiler included in groovy-all jar. For Idea to get a hold of that add a project dependency, e.g.:
Solved by removing and creating from scratch IDEA project (ipr file)
Please change folder type of groovy files as Source Root. Step for same is Right Click on folder -> Select option - 'Make Directory as' -> Source Root
As suggested above I changed it into !?.java;!?.form;!?.class;!?.groovy;!?.scala;!?.flex;!?.kt;!?.clj This setting was already available in my intellij. Still the code was not generating Fixed it by Setting->Compiler and check compile independent module in parallel and after that it got generated
This is similar to @Opal's answer, but is relevant for tests, as asked in the question:
In the IDE go to Files->Project Structure->Project Settings->Modules. In the Project files tree select the src->test->groovy directory. Hit Alt+T to make the groovy directory the test source root
Please check Settings | Compiler | Resource patterns. It appears that *.groovy somehow suits there and therefore it's copied into output instead of being compiled.
You have to change folder type of groovy files to make directory as source Root.