Assume these two simple queries:
def findById(id: Long): Option[Account] = database.withSession { implicit s: Session =>
val query = for (a <- Accounts if === id) yield a.*
def findByUID(uid: String): Option[Account] = database.withSession { implicit s: Session =>
val query = for (a <- Accounts if a.uid === uid) yield a.*
I would like to rewrite it to remove the boilerplate duplication to something like this:
def findBy(criteria: ??? => Boolean): Option[Account] = database.withSession {
implicit s: Session =>
val query = for (a <- Accounts if criteria(a)) yield a.*
def findById(id: Long) = findBy( === id)
def findByUID(uid: Long) = findBy(_.uid === uid)
I don't know how to achieve it for there are several implicit conversions involved in the for comprehension I haven't untangled yet. More specifically: what would be the type of ??? => Boolean
in the findBy
These are Account and Accounts classes:
case class Account(id: Option[Long], uid: String, nick: String)
object Accounts extends Table[Account]("account") {
def id = column[Option[Long]]("id")
def uid = column[String]("uid")
def nick = column[String]("nick")
def * = id.? ~ uid ~ nick <> (Account, Account.unapply _)
I have this helper Table:
abstract class MyTable[T](_schemaName: Option[String], _tableName: String) extends Table[T](_schemaName, _tableName) {
import scala.slick.lifted._
def equalBy[B: BaseTypeMapper]
(proj:this.type => Column[B]):B => Query[this.type,T] = { (str:B) =>
Query[this.type,T,this.type](this) where { x => proj(x) === str} }
Now you can do:
val q=someTable.equalBy(_.someColumn)